But I don't know how to pray.
Sometimes, it is "I wish to know how to pray like you, or teach me how to make dua."
I won't lie; I get really confused when I get such messages or requests.
For some, it's because they are overwhelmed and it just seems so hard to gather their thoughts, and for most, they just do not know how to.
It brings me to the realization that something we find really easy could be a great struggle for others.
While Du'a is not a "skill" to learn or some sort of thing to organize a class on how to make, I still understand the need to want to be better.
Du'a doesn't have to come in any particular pattern or format; just see it as a conversation with your Lord.
Imagine you ranting to your best friend about your day to your favorite person, or excited to share some exciting news with that person. Do you have that image in your head right now? Alhamdulilah! That's it.
The way you need no formality of "Dear Sir, we hope this meets your office in the best state and all of the blabla we write when need to make an official request" when speaking to that person—your best friend.
Allah is closer to you than your best friend could ever be.
We message these people when we don't even understand what we're typing, but we are certain they will get it, just for one reason: because of the connection we share.
How about you channel that energy, or even better, to the Supreme Being that understands us much better than our own selves? Even before you think of it, He is already aware; just go talk about it with Him.
Take the rants and everything to Him.
Haa, Ya Allah.
If you see what happened today, I was in my seat, and my boss just barged in and started screaming again. Haa, I'm tired of this job. I want a peaceful environment.
You probably read that and are wondering, "What is this person saying?"
Beloved Slaves of Ar-Rahman, Your Lord will never not understand you, everything you said, and the ones you left to yourself that you could only say, "Ya Rabb wooo."
He knows! He's aware. So speak to him in your own way. He understands!
This feeling of not knowing what to say is the inspiration for our Du'a series this year.
You don't need to know what to say; you don't need to have the right word. THE Qur'an came complete; it came with Du'a of the people of the past.
We're so focused on wanting to make our own du'a that we have neglected the gems in the book.
Just come with a present heart, for whatever you need to pray for or about has already been prayed for by the people of the past. You just have to repeat the same Du'a. Of course, with a present mind and Iman.
May Allah make it as beneficial as intended. Ameen.
Your Du'a Buddy,